

这是NPTS灵性培育的入门课程. Participants will be encouraged to reflect upon their formation 历史 and celebrate their unique 精神上的 journey. In addition to class interaction there will be formation groups where we listen for God in the stories of others. The practice of 精神上的 direction will be introduced as each student will see a 精神上的 director.

This seminar styled course will seek to address the students' 经历 of community and engagement with 文化s other than one's own through the lens of prayer. The Lord's Prayer as a common and biblical Christian prayer will frame the conversation as together we explore its ability to cross divides of community, 文化, 和历史.

This Spiritual Formation class will engage African American Spirituality and Religion as the means by which we seek to experience transformation that comes through deep study and immersion of the diverse 精神上的 practices of African Americans. Spiritual practice in and outside the classroom is required as are site visits to various religious and cultural institutions of black Americans here in 芝加哥.

Living a life of discernment based on the recognition of the work of teh Spirit leads to decisions well made. Growing in awareness to the activity of God in one's life transforms the desires of the individual follower of Jesus. 个人的完整、性格和正直源自这个过程. 洞察力是一种天赋,也是一种需要学习和发展的技能.

Students will learn and practice specific journaling techniques that will help them encounter God's presence and their own interior selves in their writing or other journaling techniques. 他们将学习安全有效的在线分享写作和回应写作的方法. 他们将发展一种更深的自我意识,包括信仰故事, 情感, 精神上的, 肉体自我.

The purpose of this 精神上的 formation course is to explore the interrelationships between 精神上的ity and health from a personal faith perspective. 基督徒幸福的多个维度将被考虑, focusing on the individual with consideration given to 精神上的ity and the health of families, 教会和社区.

The 精神上的 practices of solitude and hospitality together turn our attention toward God and those made in God's image. 对朋友的爱, 陌生人, 敌人会通过阅读来解决, 讨论, 和讲座. A day-long solitude retreat and service at a ministry of hospitality offer experience for further reflection.

食物是强烈的个人,关系和公共. 食物将我们与上帝、与他人、与万物联系在一起. 我们如何对待我们吃什么和如何吃是一种精神行为,而不仅仅是身体行为. In this course we will together explore the intersection of 精神上的ity with food and how the act of growing, 购买, 使, 吃东西可以把我们与上帝和其他人联系起来.

This 精神上的 formation topic course is designed to develop self-awareness as to how people inhabit their longings. The focus of this study will be discernment as to how the body might experience and express longings for personal health, 亲密的关系, 性的完整性, 职业满意度, 以体现表达的方式, 身体是为主,主也是为身体. 6:13).


Five northside 芝加哥 theological schools comprise the Northside 芝加哥 Theological Institute and jointly offer this course. 在范围和集中在静修设置教普世, it is designed to provide students and professors the opportunity to explore the roots and development of various Christian 精神上的 traditions through study and applied experience.

学生在常规课程之外探索感兴趣的话题的机会. 需要教练的许可. 必须向教务长提交课程建议/教学大纲.

作为获得精神方向证书的五门课程中的第一门, 本课程将提供基础资讯, 经历, and processes for the participant's development and discernment as a potential 精神上的 director. 从一天的静修开始, 这门课的重点是聆听神, 自我, 另一个, 这个词, 这个世界. 每个参与者都将得到一些个人的精神指导, 参加同伴倾听小组, 开始一个自我辨别的过程.

Practicum I is designed for program participants who desire to continue to discern their call and giftedness into the ministry of Spiritual Direction as begun in Course 1 of the program. Work will be done in the participant's home region with support from the course coordinator at the Center in 芝加哥. In addition to the core requirements of ten meetings with a 精神上的 director and the online journaling component, participants will have flexibility to study a topic of personal interest in Christian Spirituality. The course begins on the first day of the 神学院's fall semester and ends on the last day of the spring semester.

作为精神导师,年中将专注于技能的发展. 在教室里, 项目参与者将相互给予和接受指导, 通过实践和主管的评估来发展技能. 学员将被介绍逐字练习, 哪些是实习二的必修课程. 课程将从一天的静修开始.

Practicum II is designed to develop experience and wisdom in 精神上的 directing through receiving 精神上的 direction, 给予他人精神上的指导, 接受精神指导的监督, 阅读支持性文献并与之对话, 在精神方向上研究具体的相关问题.

The final course will focus on developing a 精神上的 direction perspective for ministry in the church and world by developing further the sensitivities and capacities for 精神上的 direction ministry. 我们会考虑在属灵方向上的特殊问题,如团体属灵方向, 文化考量, 阶级和性别考虑, 管理部门, 领导静修. Participants will offer 精神上的 direction and meet in peer groups with facilitators for supervision and encouragement during the week. 虔诚的, 沉思和反思的活动, 包括一天的静修, 是密集的内在部分吗.